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Thursday, September 6, 2012

Design a Unique Wooden Face with Fiery Eye and Tear in Photoshop

Design a Unique Wooden Face with Fiery Eye and Tear in Photoshop

In this Photoshop tutorial, I will show you the steps I took to Design a Unique Wooden Face with Fiery Eye and Tear in Photoshop. This is an intermediate level tutorial so some steps can be tricky, but why not have a try!
The idea of this manipulation comes from browsing some ancient stone statue image on the internet – I decided to make something similar in Photoshop.
Here is a preview of the final effect I have for this tutorial: (click to enlarge)
grunge fire face flatten 2 500x588 Design a Unique Wooden Face with Fiery Eye and Tear in Photoshop
OK Let’s get started!
To complete this tutorial, you will need the following stocks:

Step 1

Create a new document with a black background (size doesn’t matter), load the face image into Photoshop, use the pen tool to draw a path as shown below:
1 select face 500x422 Design a Unique Wooden Face with Fiery Eye and Tear in Photoshop
Make a selection of this path by right-clicking within the path and choose “Make Selection”: (set to 1px feather)
1 make sel Design a Unique Wooden Face with Fiery Eye and Tear in Photoshop
Copy and paste the selection on our document, resize and centre it:
1 paste1 500x502 Design a Unique Wooden Face with Fiery Eye and Tear in Photoshop
Use a soft eraser to remove the edges of the face (especially the back) as shown below:
1 erase2 500x446 Design a Unique Wooden Face with Fiery Eye and Tear in Photoshop

Step 2

Add the following adjustments layer over the face layer as clipping mask:
Black and white
2 bw1 Design a Unique Wooden Face with Fiery Eye and Tear in Photoshop
2 lv2 Design a Unique Wooden Face with Fiery Eye and Tear in Photoshop
Layer mask on the levels adjustment layer:
2 lv mask1 500x587 Design a Unique Wooden Face with Fiery Eye and Tear in Photoshop
2 curves Design a Unique Wooden Face with Fiery Eye and Tear in Photoshop
and you will have the following effect:
2 effect3 500x569 Design a Unique Wooden Face with Fiery Eye and Tear in Photoshop

Step 3

Now we will add the wood texture. Load the tree bark image into Photoshop, select the following area:
3 sel tree 500x500 Design a Unique Wooden Face with Fiery Eye and Tear in Photoshop
Copy and paste the selection onto our document, resize and rotate it as shown below:
3 rotate 500x516 Design a Unique Wooden Face with Fiery Eye and Tear in Photoshop
Make this layer a clipping mask, and change the blending mode to “overlay”:
3 overlay 500x528 Design a Unique Wooden Face with Fiery Eye and Tear in Photoshop
Add the following 2 adjustment layers as clipping mask again for this wood layer:
Black and white
3 bw layer opacity Design a Unique Wooden Face with Fiery Eye and Tear in Photoshop
3 lv1 Design a Unique Wooden Face with Fiery Eye and Tear in Photoshop
Go back to the wood layer, use a soft eraser to remove some parts of the wood texture to reveal some skin:
3 erase2 500x519 Design a Unique Wooden Face with Fiery Eye and Tear in Photoshop
and you will have the following effect so far:
3 effect2 500x520 Design a Unique Wooden Face with Fiery Eye and Tear in Photoshop

Step 4

Now we will make the fiery eye. Load the fire image into Photoshop and select the following portion:
4 sel 500x368 Design a Unique Wooden Face with Fiery Eye and Tear in Photoshop
Smooth the edge out with the following refine edge filter settings:
4 refine Design a Unique Wooden Face with Fiery Eye and Tear in Photoshop
Warp the fire texture as shown below to adjust its shape:
4 warp Design a Unique Wooden Face with Fiery Eye and Tear in Photoshop
Change the blending mode of this fire layer to “hard light”, and remove the edges with a soft eraser:
4 hard light 500x286 Design a Unique Wooden Face with Fiery Eye and Tear in Photoshop
Duplicate this fire layer once and change the layer blending mode of the duplicated layer to “Screen”, layer opacity to around 50%. You will have the following effect:
4 screen Design a Unique Wooden Face with Fiery Eye and Tear in Photoshop

Step 5

We will now add some tear drop to the eye. Use the fire image and select the following portion:
5 tear Design a Unique Wooden Face with Fiery Eye and Tear in Photoshop
Copy and paste the selection over the image, resize it and attach the smaller version to the eye, use a soft eraser to remove the edges to form a teary effect:
5 resize 500x499 Design a Unique Wooden Face with Fiery Eye and Tear in Photoshop
Use either a cloud brush or cloud filter to add some cloud effect around the face (this cloud layer should be under the face layer):
5 cloud 500x520 Design a Unique Wooden Face with Fiery Eye and Tear in Photoshop

Step 6

Now let’s add some shining hair for the model. To do this, create a new layer and paint a white dot as shown below:
6 dot 500x347 Design a Unique Wooden Face with Fiery Eye and Tear in Photoshop
Use the liquify filter to warp the line as shown below, until it forms some sorts of hairy effect:
6 liq Design a Unique Wooden Face with Fiery Eye and Tear in Photoshop
Duplicate this layer a few times and attach them to the head area:
6 attach 500x522 Design a Unique Wooden Face with Fiery Eye and Tear in Photoshop
I then use some abstract brushes to add some textures around the model, you can find plenty of those brushes on the internet:
6 paint 500x580 Design a Unique Wooden Face with Fiery Eye and Tear in Photoshop
I then further added some colour effect onto the image, and here is the final effect I have: (click to enlarge)
grunge fire face flatten 2 500x588 Design a Unique Wooden Face with Fiery Eye and Tear in Photoshop
That’s it for this tutorial! Hope you enjoy it and find it useful! Till next time, have a great day!

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